Sunday, February 14, 2010

Flourish petal necklace.....

  We went and saw our gorgeous nephew again today. He is the sweetest little boy, all smiles. He has big blue eyes and the longest black eyelashes I've ever seen!!! I've also been working on the glass tile pendants. I finished them today so I'm just waiting for the bails to dry so I can take some photos and list them. I can't wait to see how they go.
I thought I'd include a photo of one of my favourites today. Its called the "flourish petal necklace".  It's made with a handmade glass focal bead and Swarovski and other Czech glass beads. I love using pink and green together..... it's such an old style colour combination that i think works so well.

1 comment:

  1. Lovely necklace - so happy I found your blog - love following fellow Aussie Bloggers - have a great day :D
